Monday, January 31, 2011

Sara Evans To Be Happy (lyrics in description)

if you think ima quit before I die, dream on

The truth is, I'm one of those few people who actually care when I ask "What's wrong?". The only problem is that usually I have no idea what to say afterwards or how to make it better. I try not to use phrases like "That sucks" or "I'm sorry", but I still can never find the right words to say. But I promise, I'll always listen. I guess that's all I can do.
I can't stand our generation. We've become so obsessed with our material possessions, we've completely lost sight of what's important. All that matters is that we look good. We think we're the coolest if we can party the hardest, we idolize ridiculous celebrities and do anything to get the latest bit of gossip. We all essentially stalkers, we use the internet to keep up to date and don't know how to hold conversation anymore. We call people we don't even like our "friends" online, just because it makes us look popular. We watch tv, we strive to look as fake as possible, spending millions on beauty products that will never last forever. This isn't the party generation, it's the fake generation, and I hate us all for being a part of it.

    “Boundaries don’t keep people out , they fence you in . Life’s messy . That’s how we’re made . So you can either waste your life drawing lines , or [LIVE] your life crossing them .

bang bang , my baby shot me down !

i just ate a salad and now im trying rrealllly hard to not throw up , i feel it in my throat .
sometimes were broken and we don't even know why
i have an obsession with doing this ... it makes me think your real and all mine .
Love is passion , obsession , someone you can't live without . If you don't start with that, what are you going to end up with ? Fall head over heels . I say find someone you can love like crazy and who'll love you the same way back . And how do you find him ? Forget your head and listen to your heart . I'm not hearing any heart . Run the risk , if you get hurt , you'll come back . Because , the truth is there is no sense living your life without this . To make the journey and not fall deeply in love . well , you haven't lived a life at all . You have to try . Because if you haven't tried , you haven't lived .

love for the camera .

hoooootteerrrsssss with everyyyonnnee .
the lannndddinnng myy nigghhhaaa .
myy seeerriouuus faccceee . lol
whatssuppp doooode ? literally .
i looooooooooooooooooove bubbbbbbbbbles .
is the cameraa stilll goinnnnggggg ? lol
ohhh sooooo weeiirrrddd , ii knooowww .
eyyyye of the hearrrrrrrt , i smuuuv buubblesss .
i justttt wannnnna blllloooww my BUUUUBBBLLLEESSS !
cooolllessstt phoottooograppphh evveerrrrr , hah
i gooott thee Bouquet at my auunnts weedingg .
i ammm the luckkkyyy briideee too beeee , hehe


is it me or are you only seeing stomache the entire video ? rofl , not trying to be mean or anything but that was a whole lot of shacking and im not only talking about her booty , i give this girl props for having the nerve to put this up online thinking she was some hot body dancer . i think they have different sections in stores that usually quote sizes and im thinking she forgot she didn't wear the little kids section anymore . anyway , this video is almost as disturbingly funny as tsim fuckis , i might just have to do a compare / contrast on the two that's how similar in perspectives they are , but ive also added his video , just so you can get twice the entertainment on my bloggg lol . trust me , you will be awkwardly laughing after seeing the two of these two dance / sing for the world . wellp i hope you enjoy this little enthusiasm i just so happened to come across this afternoon , laterrrsss .

Sunday, January 30, 2011

ughhh why cant i slleeeeep


    Eventually I’m going to lose everyone I have ever cared about…
“if you love him set him free. If you have to stalk him, he probably wasn’t yours to begin with.”
Don't Give Up Because It Will Be Over Soon.

i have thrown up alot this week .

right now i have an extreme migraine . 
i did half the body work on my car today and then feel asleep after . i woke up with this headache and began to get sick , once again . it is actually really hard to think straight right now , my head is throbbing . Ive been thinking a lot the past couple days and i really want to beast mode track this year . im so excited to begin pole vaulting tomorrow and hurdles on Tuesday , im going to try and get the "athlete of the week" shirt by proving to my couch i really want this . Ive been talking to an old friend lately and im starting to like the change in attitude he has from many other guys . 
Ive decided to take it slow with anyone from here on out , and im probably going to be single for a little while until im over my ex , as much as id hate to move on its been proven that its time too .its not so bad being single actually i really enjoy it , the only part that sucks is when i lay down at night all i think about is my ex . i would go on about him because it only upsets me more that he has wasted my time yet again . i don't even know him anymore , he has changed a lot and its probably better that Ive chosen to disconnect with him and all of his friends as well . i like change and Ive already started with my hair of course (like usual) but there are some other things i will be changing also . life in the last year has been kind of harsh for me and i know its a month late but changing everything is going to be my new years resolution . there are many things that i love but lets face it we don't always get what we want so i will be crossing them off my enjoyment list . i have two favorite songs currently which are somewhere with you and why , both of these songs represent a lot and there awesome .  i forgot my password to facebook today and aol doesn't work so i had to reset it and put it back to my old password that i wont ever forget .

 the last few days Ive been sleeping a lot , it has made me feel so much more relaxed . i don't like the feeling of waking up anymore , it actually hurts . tomorrow we have to turn in our grad bash money and in the next two weeks i will be getting my cap & gown with my graduation announcements , im really excited to be able to send all of those out to everyone . well im going to bed now since my body just wants to ache and throw up , id rather not feel that pain even though it is still earlie . i hope all goes well at school tomorrow and practice doesn't cause excruciating pain like im feeling right now , gooodnighhht .


more then you will ever knowwww .
im not even hungry but i eat constantly so i don't get bored and keep over thinking .
And you learn that love, true love, Always has joys and sorrow,
Seems ever present, Yet is never quite the same,
Becoming more than love and less than love,
So difficult to define. And you learn that through it all,
You really can endure, That you really are strong,
That you do have value.
take a risk, take a chance, make a change, & breakaway