Wednesday, January 19, 2011


i realised how much i really do love you , and how id do anything for you ...
i noticed that talking to you makes my day complete and seeing you gives me a sign of relief .
everything about you makes me want you more and more everyday . 
its pretty clear that we have something that neither of us would ever want to loose
im trying , i really am , i promise . 
you have become like a best friend to me which makes are relationship all the better . 
were going to get it right this time around , i am hopeful that we can do it . 
despite our differences , we can make this work like we did a long time ago . 
we can relive the moments we loved so very much and the memories of us being so happy . 
i cant read your mind or anything but i can see it in your eyes you need me as well as i need you .
everything about you is so diferent from anyone else and thats who i feel in love with , 
i don't ever want you to change , i love every little feature , sound , and moment that makes you , you . 
this world is so dull and confusing with out you and i just cant survive without talking/seeing you .
there is so much more i could say but this just seems to sum it up a bit , forever yours baby <3