Thursday, January 27, 2011

firsttt dayy

off trackk practice just finished . yesterday we found out everyone who made the team and it was kind of surprising actually . only 32 people tried out on monday and 26 on wednsday , that is very unusual considering years before there have been over 50 including during cross country tryouts .anyway today we did repeats of 400 meters , that would be one lap around the insanly BORING track ive chosen to compete on . if our track was actually rubberized then it wouldnt be so bad and maybe i wouldnt have intense pain throughout my entire body . well after our amazing(not) 400 meter sprint repeats we did core . well its  not necessarily a core workout when we used our legs the majority of the time but i will most likly be feeling the intense pain in the morning . im glad i have my best friend doing it with me though because without here i probley would have gone insane already . there was this new guy whom i believe is trying out for boys track and for some reason he wouldnt take his eyes off me . i honestly wouldn't have minded if he was mesmerizing me from more than 5 feet away from me ,
but no he was on my back and it was just too funny for Ana . well he was very strange and annoying considering his eyes never left my behind , try doing workouts with that , not so lovely . once we finally were out for the evening Ana and i had some very great conversations as this lady decided to almost ram my hatch . i reversed in the middle of a lane so she would stop being so ignorant considering it was no where near her turn to go . well i wont ramble on about the interesting things my best friend and i conversated on earlier but i will be needing to use the bathroom , so tooooddllesss foor nooww(: