Monday, January 31, 2011

if you think ima quit before I die, dream on

The truth is, I'm one of those few people who actually care when I ask "What's wrong?". The only problem is that usually I have no idea what to say afterwards or how to make it better. I try not to use phrases like "That sucks" or "I'm sorry", but I still can never find the right words to say. But I promise, I'll always listen. I guess that's all I can do.
I can't stand our generation. We've become so obsessed with our material possessions, we've completely lost sight of what's important. All that matters is that we look good. We think we're the coolest if we can party the hardest, we idolize ridiculous celebrities and do anything to get the latest bit of gossip. We all essentially stalkers, we use the internet to keep up to date and don't know how to hold conversation anymore. We call people we don't even like our "friends" online, just because it makes us look popular. We watch tv, we strive to look as fake as possible, spending millions on beauty products that will never last forever. This isn't the party generation, it's the fake generation, and I hate us all for being a part of it.

    “Boundaries don’t keep people out , they fence you in . Life’s messy . That’s how we’re made . So you can either waste your life drawing lines , or [LIVE] your life crossing them .