Sunday, February 6, 2011

car crash saturday feb 5, 2011

the seventeen year old was a friend of mine and she is in the hospital now with serious injuries . please be in prayer for this girl and her family . the eighteen year that died went to my school and please pray for her family too . 
we really don't realize what could happen to us until it happens to someone we know . it amazes me that this could of been anyone including myself . its sad that she has to be going through this , but she will be okay . if it is her time to go then it was meant to be and god has a plan for her life . hopefully we will be able to visit her soon and she will heal quickly . 
as for the driver in this accident , i pray for the best with her family and all there probably going through right now . PLEASE everyone wear your seat belt ! this could happen to you at any moment for any reason . do not take life for granted ! there is only three months until we graduate , don't be stupid and get yourself killed . 
i know this girl had no intentions of killing herself and hopefully it was all an accident . please remember this event every time you get in your car , i hope this will touch some people like it has me , and i really hope your alright teia . your strong , if you made it flaying through the air then you will make it through the injuries ! as for the driver - RIP .