Wednesday, February 2, 2011

welllppp todayyyy ,

i learnnned somme things todayy . firsttt thing is that everything just about is made from oil ? like did you know the toothbrush you use every morning and the paste you put on it ? yeahh that was made from oil , its absolutly crazy , i cant believe i didnt know this with all the researching i do ! today i also realised how much i really love four square , i could be in the worse mood or extremly sick and still get a great laugh out of it . there is this little ignorant kid that always plays with us too and he really gets on my last nerve , he constantly talks crap about everyone ! no one even talks to him but he sure does talk to the friggen air , i asked him if he ever shuts up today because i had enough of it . but anyway , i found it very interesting this afternoon , i dont text girls ? like no girls reallly ever text me unless its a question or a story , but why is it i can text guys all day everyday and not even realise i dont text girls ? besides ana but she doesnt count lol . its so weiirrd . well my stomache is starting to get better , i was able to eat some lasagna which was pretty awesome . also we started polevaulting today , and i thought i was going to loose my best friend , ana always scares me !! hmm . another occurence today ?? i cant think of anything , besides the fact that (piglet) is always trying to argue with me , good gratious does anyone know when enough is enough , ughhhh . i have two new friends i forgot to mention , girl & boy , met them today and there really cool and pretty funny tooo . what ellseee ? my favorite songs all came on the radio betweeen this morning and toniighht whichh really made my day bettter , (: i have three test tomorrow , just thought id through that out there . on our hour run today we took a short cut through the baseball feilds and they were yelling my name , and trying to messs with me , but i had a quick get away plan haha . more over , wow i feel like im writing another essay like i do everyday in class , im tired of the way people talk to each other , im starting to notice all the rude and disrespectful people that i see everyday , it really makes me mad , buttt ohhhh wellll . only four months untill im graduated and away from all the ignorant little kidsss of rhs !!! yaaaayyy , hmm . okayy im ouuuttt ! peaasshh .