Thursday, February 3, 2011

confession number fiveeee ;

immmm overrllly drammmttiiiccccc , i make everything worse than it really is , i try to over doo everythingg , i talkkk too muchhh , i cryyyy too muchhh and tooo easiillyy , i lieee tooo muchhhh , i tuurnnn things arounnnd tooo much , i tryyy to mmakke thinggsss semmm totallly diferent then what theyy really are , im a complete jerkkkkk , i haaveee an attitude problllemmmm , i speakkkk the truuthhh and what on my mind with out holding backkkk , i donnnt careee about annyythinnnng , i fallll fooor stupiid guyyyys , i donnnt likkke alot off peoplllle , i cannnt stand meeting new girrlllss , eveerrryyone getts on my nervesss , i looove beinnng ALONE !!