Thursday, March 17, 2011

Amor semper et aeternum ♥

traaa--- ,
it's weird . i mean , yeah , I miss you , but it's so much more than that . i miss the way my heart just stops at the sight of you and your smile , but the sad part is , it's not just your smile I'm missing . it's mine too . after everything we've been through and all Ive put up with i feel so dumb for letting you walk away and for not taking you back when you tried . you didn't really give me enough time to calm down from the things you did and i couldn't even imagine taking you back after doing it . not being together anymore feels like the past two years have been a complete waste of my time . i enjoyed every moment i ever spent with you whether it was being with you , kissing , telling each other stories , making up , wrestling , hammocks , cooking , silly arguments or fighting . i miss you being apart of me and being able to go to you for everything , literally . sometimes i just feel like a part of me is missing like Ive grown so much with you being there and now i just cant grow with out you. you were the most important person in my life and i let everything that was so unimportant and small ruin us . your with someone new and i see you being happy , i love it when your happy so i wont try to change that , i promise , besides you make your own decisions , i cant do that for you . i just wish i could express myself to you and have you understand . i tell you i don't want you back because it was the only way it will catch your attention , usually that is when you freak out and do everything physically possible to get me back . well looks like my plan finally back fired and you're finally trying to move on . i wish i could do the same , but im the type of person who wont date anyone till im completely over my ex , i believe in giving everything in a relationship and not being any stuck on the last . i never wanted this nor could i ever image it happening when are love for each other is so strong . you mean the world to me and you have since day one . Ive screwed up and so have you but when did that ever change anything until now ? when did that ever matter ? we have over looked all imperfections we both share and i thought we always would . we have many memories and many secrets that so many could never know . i would never tell anyone some of the things we've shared and done with each other . i never wanted you out of my life forever i just basically needed a break to realize what is really important to me , and i did . im happy yes but apart of me is always sad . im single but apart of me is always looking . im whole but apart of me is always missing , and that part will always be you . no matter where we go in life i will always remember you , the best friend that was there when ever i needed him and no one else was , the boyfriend that always made my day - week - month - year , and the love that made me realize how important loving someone really is . i want you to be happy in everything you do and succeed in everything too . im not begging or even asking for you to come back to me im simply showing you in a different way how much you still mean to me and how much i really do and still care and need you . there will always be a point where i feel this way , no matter if i move on now or in the future . im not sure if we will ever get back together or if well ever truly fall in-love with someone again but i hope one day were both happy with the paths we've chosen whether we choose to be together again or not . i hope one day years from now we both think back to the love we shared , the memories spent together , and how much we really meant to each other , and smile . i love you more than anything and a piece of my heart will always be yours , forever . i don't plan on letting anyone take that place , --- mirrr