Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Little Miss I'll Get Tough , Don't you worry bout me anymore

I know you messed up, but I was willing to forgive you because that's how happy you made me. But you gave up; you didn't fight for me. You backed out when one thing went wrong and that's what hurt the see me and look right through me. Stop pretending I'm invisible, because you know im always going to be there.
Don't just do something for the sake of doing it or because it's what society expects from you. Just do it for the simple fact that it makes you happy.
I was lost and hurt, looking for someone to be there. The thing is, I was tired of always depending on myself. I thought I could have you save me. I wanted you to be there. I wanted to share it all with you, but you tore me into pieces.
Because maybe, just maybe, he felt something for her, something real and true and wonderful and something he could not deny, no matter how many jokes he made about it. Maybe he was here because he loved her.
You ask me why I cry, I say "I don't know" but yet, I just lied. I know exactly why these tears fall, but it isn't worth explaining because I know you won't understand.
I just want to feel safe with someone, to not always be wondering how he feels about me, to not always be waiting for him to walk away, to not always be wishing he would love me back. I need to be able to trust that a man is there for me for the right reasons, because he cares enough to be there.
I stay up all night thinking of you, thinking maybe you feel the same way, but are you thinking of me? probably not .
I don't have any intention of changing who you are or making you into something you're not. I just want to bring out the best in you and I want you to do the same for me.
Going into it, I never thought that it would have ended like that. After wanting someone for so long, it’s supposed to be perfect, right? And everything should last forever. but nothing is like a fairy tale , it didnt end as we intended it to .