Wednesday, March 16, 2011

just another reason why .

If you knew she still had feelings with her, couldn't you just give her another chance? No. You had to crush her. Say you didn't tell her at the start because you didn't want to hurt her. But by lying, you hurt her even more. She's screaming so loud, but you look right through her. She still needs you. She still loves you. She still thought maybe she had a shot at you, but you hurt her to the point that she could never possibly be with you again, youll be lucky if she could even forgive you for the heartbreak .
You absolutely destroyed me, did you know that? But you know what, I just wanna say thank you. I don't regret meeting you, but I don't wish you would magically come back into my life again because I believe God gives us someone like this for a reason. Someone who will hurt you a million times, someone who will leave you & not look back. But this person, they will make you a better person in the end. You will come out stronger than ever before and you will be happier without him than you were with him, and you will be with someone new and fall twice as hard giving twice as much as you did in the previous relationship .
Well, we're strangers now, and i have a guy who was willing to change for me, but change for the better.  Which is great and all, and i like him too.. But i still miss you, and still think i like you too.  I don't know if i just like chasing things that i can't get.  Maybe that's why i can't stay in a relationships anymore, cause i love the rush of the game, more than the boys.  Even if it means them, or me end up hurt in the little game of chase.
   Being beautiful is more than how many boys you can get to look at you, or how much makeup you can wear. It's about what you live for. It's about what define you. It's about the heart that you have, and what makes you special. It's about those little quirks that make you, you. It's about knowing that you are a creation of God, created in His imagine. It's about shining for Him, no matter what else is going on around you. It's about going against the flow, and living out what you honestly think. And that is a beautiful thing.
You haven't missed me for one minute. You have never for one single second in your pathetic life missed me. You might have missed messing with my head, and you might have missed the satisfaction you got from demolishing me, but those are your emotions you're messing with - not mine.
and i still believe after all the stupidity we've created , we will still end up getting married one dayyy ...