Friday, March 11, 2011

waaaaaaaahhhhh ?

You should stop talking to him because he’s just messing with your head. But you should continue because he’s messing with it in the best way and it makes your heart thump really hard and feel as light as air and it’s the most amazing thing – until it falls back down and hits you in the chest and you can’t breathe. And it feels like you just want to die because there is no point in living if you feel like this and it won’t get better because he doesn’t like you anymore and never will again, but then you talk to him and everything is okay again because he’s amazing and you cant help but reply to him .
Don't you know I've tried and I've tried , To get you out my mind , But it don't get no better , As each day goes by , And I'm lost and confused , I've got nothin to lose , Hope to hear from you soon . P.S. I'm still not over you !
I never wanted this. This was the last thing in the world I ever wanted to happen. I'm living an endless nightmare, and I don't know if I'll ever wake up.
Nothing is fair in this world. You might as well get that straight right now
I don't know, I mean, I want to be his friend.  But then again, I don't. You know? I mean how can you simply be friends with someone when every time you look at them you're thinking about how much more you really love, miss , and want to be with them just one last time.
Inside me there is still the little girl who believed anything was possible, that both fairytale and dreams came true, that there really was a 'prince charming' waiting for me somewhere and that one day I would know what love was.
I want to be with you, I just want to be with you. If I could hold your hand for the rest of my life, I would never be scared again. I want to hold you tight and I want to tell you every second how much you mean to me because nobody has ever meant more. I want to be able to help you and make you smile, just like you make me smile.